With the ongoing pandemic, we have all been under increased stress. Those with a history of mental health concerns may note difficulty dealing with these stressors, but we are all at risk for these difficulties. Here are some interventions that may be helpful. Yoga combines mindfulness, breathing, spirituality, and body awareness. Tai chi is a form of mind-body exercise combining martial arts, meditation, and dance-like movements. Both of these practices have been systematically studied and found to be safe for most people, and to have the potential to specifically decrease anxiety and depressive symptoms. These are most effective when practiced on an ongoing basis. Physical activity is defined as movement performed to become stronger and healthier. In this case, that health improvement may include mental health. Clinical trials performed on walkers and runners have found evidence to suggest that they can improve reported mental health. There are many types of physical activity, but walking and running have been most rigorously studied. It is most effective when performed regularly as well. Mindfulness meditation, or “paying attention in a particular way,” includes self-regulation of attention. It takes practice to develop as a skill set. The good news is that there are apps available as a guide to meditation. This is most effective for anxiety control, but may be helpful for depression and chronic pain as well. Spirituality and religion are important to many people, as they may provide a framework for understanding the world and oneself. Organized religion also offers a community of support during difficult times. Religion and spirituality can be practiced in many ways, with various practices providing benefit. If stress begins to affect daily life, relationships, sleep, or safety, it is time to seek help from a qualified professional.
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